
There are many examples of Safety by Design through for example this link, where the course students apply Safety by Design Philosophy in their design processes.

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Safety by Design Philosophy

The Safety by Design Philosophy explains the process of safety by design and the steps required to manage risks through the design process. Safety by design philosophy prioritises inherently safe results were there is no rooms for errors and mistakes. NTA 8287:2021 (en) formalises the… Read More »Safety by Design Philosophy

Safety by Design

The master course “Safety by Design” offers you real-world cases to practice the design of safe products, equipment or systems and supports your practice by providing relevant knowledge, platforms, and expert feedback. The cases present complex and multidisciplinary projects that demand compromises and tradeoffs to… Read More »Safety by Design

Safety and Risk Management

The master course Integrated Safety Management & Risk Management consists of three blocks in total, with ten lectures per block. In the first block the focus is on strategy, in the second block the tactical aspect is discussed through Safety by Design; how can integral… Read More »Safety and Risk Management

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Spending many years of my career observing the efforts of engineers, I have seen their struggles for achieving results at the highest possible level, all of this to satisfy their customers. Their resources were limited. They had to achieve their tasks with what they had.… Read More »Preface